Apple has officially launched the iPhone 16 Pro series in India, boasting larger displays and a price cut. The iPhone 16 Pro now features a 6.3-inch screen, while the Pro Max model comes with a 6.9-inch display. Despite these improvements, prices have dropped, with the base iPhone 16 Pro starting at ₹1,19,900, significantly lower than last year’s models.
The iPhone 16 Pro series offers significant upgrades in both hardware and software. Powered by the A18 Bionic Pro chip, these devices promise enhanced performance, particularly in AI-driven tasks like image processing and gaming. The upgraded camera system includes a 48MP ultra-wide lens, improved night mode, and a 5x telephoto zoom on the Pro Max model.
The Pro Max, designed for media consumption, now has a 6.9-inch OLED display, which is ideal for streaming videos or playing games. Both models are equipped with Apple’s ProMotion technology, allowing for smoother scrolling and enhanced responsiveness with refresh rates up to 120Hz.
Apple’s strategic price adjustment makes the iPhone 16 Pro more affordable in the Indian market. The base model, with 128GB of storage, is priced at ₹1,19,900, while the Pro Max starts at ₹1,29,900. Higher storage options come at additional costs, but the reduction in starting prices is expected to boost demand.
Pre-orders for the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max are open, with official sales starting later this month. Customers in India will be able to purchase the devices both online and through Apple retail partners.
The iPhone 16 Pro series combines larger displays, enhanced camera features, and cutting-edge AI processing, all at a lower price point in India. Whether you’re upgrading for performance or photography, this series represents a strong value proposition for consumers.
Apple debuts the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max in India, featuring larger displays, enhanced cameras, and powerful AI. Notably, prices are lower than the previous year, starting at ₹1,19,900. Explore the upgrades and pricing details here.
What are the new display sizes of the iPhone 16 Pro models?
The iPhone 16 Pro comes with a 6.3-inch display, while the Pro Max offers a larger 6.9-inch screen.
What is the price of the iPhone 16 Pro in India?
The iPhone 16 Pro starts at ₹1,19,900 for the 128GB variant in India.
What camera upgrades does the iPhone 16 Pro feature?
The iPhone 16 Pro now includes a 5x telephoto lens and a 48MP ultra-wide camera.
What chip powers the iPhone 16 Pro series?
Both iPhone 16 Pro models are powered by the A18 Bionic Pro chip.
When will the iPhone 16 Pro series be available for purchase in India?
The iPhone 16 Pro series is available for pre-order, with sales starting later this month.
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