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Elon Musk denies reports he’s funding $45M to a group backing Trump

elon musk on Trump

Elon Musk on Trump: ‘I’m more “Make America Greater”

Elon Musk dismissed reports suggesting he was planning to contribute $45 million per month to a new political group supporting former President Donald Trump. During an interview with conservative commentator Jordan B. Peterson, Musk, who has previously endorsed Trump, stated that he did not identify with the “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) movement.

Latest Reports Claim

Reports had claimed the billionaire would be donating a substantial amount to America PAC, but Musk refuted these claims, asserting that the figures were inaccurate. He clarified that while he is making donations to the America PAC, the contributions are at a much lower level. Musk emphasized that the PAC’s core values revolve around promoting meritocracy and individual freedom.

Read: Elon Musk, Mark Zukerberg, Sundar Pichai On AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

Musk indicated that he played a role in establishing the super PAC, which is designed to raise unlimited funds for independent expenditures to support campaigns, without directly funneling money to the campaigns themselves. He described America PAC as aiming to advocate for the fundamental principles that originally made America great, rather than being hyper-partisan. He characterized his stance as “Make America Greater” rather than aligning with the MAGA movement.


The America PAC, established in Austin, Texas, where Tesla’s headquarters are located, was created in May. The group has allocated $21 million for independent expenditures, primarily focusing on voter turnout efforts in swing states.

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