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Top Free Artificial Intelligence Courses by Google in 2024-2025

Top Free Artificial Intelligence Courses by Google in 2024

Get your Masters in Artificial Intelligence with these Free Google Courses

The world is taking a leap ahead by implementing artificial intelligence in various fields such as healthcare, education, real estate, technology, and more. Success is around the corner if you are willing to learn about new technologies such as artificial intelligence and Gen AI. 

But these technologies can be learned through advanced artificial intelligence courses available both online and offline. From Harvard University to Google, everyone has jumped into the ocean of this groundbreaking technology.

In this blog, we will tell you about some of the best AI courses offered free of charge by Google. So, read this content and be a master of your career and life.

Top 9 Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

There are numerous artificial intelligence-free courses with certificates, but not every course is worth it. Hence, it was Readtopicsnow’s responsibility to bring the best and most free AI courses offered by the technological giant Google. Below are the listed Google Best AI courses.

1. Introduction to Generative AI by Google

This course is designed as an introductory-level microlearning program where people will understand what is generative AI (Gen AI), what its usage is, and in which field it can be implemented. Introduction to Generative AI by Google also explains how it is different from traditional machine learning methods. In addition, it will assist attendees in developing their own Gen AI application.

Once you complete this course, you will get a badge of completion that will boost your cloud career. 

Course Information

  1. Define generative AI
  2. Explain how generative AI works
  3. Describe Generative AI Model Types
  4. Describe generative AI applications

When you enroll in this course, you will get course material like documents and videos for free. In some cases, individuals might buy some subscriptions for lab-related work.

Link for registration:

2. Introduction to Large Language Models 

LLM (Large Language Models) can easily be understood by attending these prominent AI classes offered by Google. You can easily recognize how groundbreaking LLMs are and how they can be used in real-world scenarios. Generative AI is an artificial intelligence that is capable of creating text, images, and videos using different and advanced generative models. Generative models can create new data and train it as per the characteristics of old data to perform as new data.

To gain knowledge about Gen AI, we recommend you join this transformative course.

Course information

  1. Define Large Language Models (LLMs)
  2. Describe LLM use cases.
  3. Explain Prompt Tuning
  4. Describe Google’s Gen AI development tools.

After completion, you will be awarded a badge that you can share with your network. Course material, like videos and documents, is free for this AI certificate course.

Link for registration:

3. Introduction to Responsible AI

AI ethics is an important topic that is driving AI enthusiasts crazy. Hence, Google introduced a special AI course online, “Introduction to Responsible AI,” free of charge. This is a quick and easy microlearning course that breaks down the why, how, and what of responsible AI. 

Discover why responsible AI is a big deal and how Google uses it in their products. Learn about Google’s 7 AI principles.

After completing this artificial intelligence training, you will get a shiny badge to flaunt on your profile. This is a free AI course for beginners that is rewarding. 

Course information

  1. Learn why Google has come up with AI principles.
  2. Identify the use and need of responsible AI within an organization.
  3. Recognize the impact of decisions on responsible AI.

Understand how organizations can design responsible AI to fit their own business values and needs.

Link for registration:

4. Introduction to Image Generation

Have you wondered how a computer can generate an image that is close to a real one? Introduction to Image Generation is a free AI course online that teaches diffusion models. A diffusion model is part of machine learning models that enhance image generation. Diffusion models draw inspiration from science, especially physics (thermodynamics). 

In the last few years, diffusion models have significantly seen growth in research. This course will teach you about diffusion models and how to deploy and train them on Vertex AI.

Course information

  1. How do diffusion models work?
  2. Real use-cases for diffusion models
  3. Unconditioned diffusion models
  4. Advancements in diffusion models (text-to-image)

Link for registration:

5. Transformer Models and BERT Models

This AI training course will introduce you to bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) models and transformer architecture. You will get a deep understanding of components of transformer architecture, like the self-attention mechanism, and how you can use it to build a BERT model. In addition, you will learn what tasks BERT can do. For example, question answering, text classification, and the natural language interface. 

You will get a Google Cloud badge after completing the course.

Course information

  1. Understand the main components of the Transformer architecture.
  2. Implement BERT to solve various natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
  3. Learn how transformers help build BERT.

Use Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers to solve complex natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

Link for registration:

6. Introduction to the Generative AI Studio

This is an AI fundamentals and AI beginner course that will introduce Generative AI Studio.  Generative AI Studio is a product of Vertex AI that helps users prototype and modify generative AI models so that they can be used in their applications.

Furthermore, you will learn about Generative AI Studio features, usages, and demos of various products. In the end, your learning will be tested through a quiz.

Course information

  1. Explain what Generative AI Studio does.
  2. Describe the Generative AI Studio options.
  3. Explore the Generative AI Studio language tool.

Link for registration:

7. Encoder-Decoder Architecture

This is an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) course that gives a complete synopsis of the encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder-decoder architecture is a powerful machine learning architecture for sequence-to-sequence tasks. Some tasks are question-answering, text summarization, and translation. 

The best part is that you will code in TensorFlow, a simple implementation of the encoder-decoder architecture for text generation. A completion badge will add a feather to your hat. 

Course information

  1. Understand the main components of the encoder-decoder architecture.
  2. Learn how to write your own encoder-decoder model in Keras.
  3. Learn how to train and create text from a model via encoder-decoder architecture.

Link for registration:

8. Create image-captioning models.

This course focuses on deep learning and how it can be used to create an image captioning model. By the end of the course, you will be able to create your own customizable image captioning models. 

Course information

  1. Understand the different components of an image captioning model.
  2. Create your own image captioning models.
  3. Understand how to train and analyze an image captioning model.
  4. Generate captions from images by using image captioning models.

Link for registration:

9. Attention Mechanism

Attention mechanism is a technique used in machine learning (ML) and NLP (natural language processing) to enhance model accuracy. This free AI certification course will introduce attention mechanisms, a prominent technique that allows neural networks to emphasize specific components or parts of an input sequence.

You will learn how it can be used to improve the overall performance of various machine learning tasks (question answering, text summarization, and machine translations).

Course information

  1. Understand the concept of the attention mechanism and how it works.
  2. Learn how attention mechanisms are applied to machine translation, text summarization, etc.

Link for registration:

Frequently Asked Questions

1: Does Google offer free AI courses?

A: Yes, Google provides free AI courses. Explore Google’s AI learning resources for comprehensive, no-cost education.

2: How can I learn AI for free?

A: Learn AI for free through Google’s resources. Access tutorials, courses, and platforms like Google AI Platform at no cost.

3: Is Google AI Platform free?

A: Yes, Google AI Platform offers free access. Utilize its tools and resources for your AI projects without charge.

4: Is Google’s Generative AI Learning Path free?

A: Absolutely, Google’s Generative AI Learning Path is free. Dive into creative AI exploration without spending a penny.

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