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Top 10 Summer Schools in USA for Indians

Top 10 Summer Schools in USA for Indians

Summer Programs in the USA for Indian Students

Ready to make the most of your summer with an enriching summer school program? Let’s dive into the exciting world of summer schools in the USA, designed especially for Indian students. 

Whether you are interested in the humanities, STEM, or languages, there’s something for everyone. With smaller class sizes, immerse yourself in campus life, and enjoy the flexibility to make the most of your summer.

Meanwhile, universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia leading the way, these programs offer short-term courses across different fields. Boost your resume and get a taste of college life.

Numerous international students choose the United States annually for its diverse courses, job opportunities, and high quality of life. One unique offering is summer programs, with various summer schools providing short courses for Indian students. These programs, including those at prestigious universities, offer insights into college life, enhancing skills and resumes.

Benefits include credit recovery, campus immersion, and smaller class sizes, making it a desirable option for Indian students. Brentwood High School is one such institution, offering valuable summer programs. Additionally, for Indian students, these programs provide a unique opportunity to make the most of their time in the United States.

Top Summer Programs for Indian Students in the USA

  1. International Humanities Scholar Program at Tufts University
  2. Debating Summer School Program -Yale or Saint Andrews
  3. Summer Science & Engineering Program -Smith College
  4. Summer Course at Silicon Valley Academy -ABC Business Academy
  5. English for Academic Purposes -George Washington University
  6. Women, Gender, and Representation -Smith College
  7. English as a Second Language (ESL)/Specialty Programs -Manhattan College
  8. CONTACT Summer Peacebuilding Program -SIT Graduate Institute
  9. Fermilab Initiatives -University of Pisa
  10. Summer Course in Virtual World Discoveries -IES Abroad


Summer Programs in the USA for Indian Students

These programs ensure a tailored experience for each student by offering flexibility in scheduling, duration, and subject matter. Additionally, popular options include English language courses combined with insights into American culture, designed for individuals eager to expand their knowledge and career pathways.

U.S. Summer Program Cost and Schedules

The cost and duration of summer courses vary, with options ranging from two to twelve weeks. While day camps may cost between $199 and $800 per week, overnight programs can range from $680 to $2,000 per week. The intake for summer schools in the USA typically spans from May to August, accommodating both full-time and part-time attendance.

Participating in a summer program in the USA is a rewarding experience for Indian students, providing opportunities for academic enrichment, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Whether pursuing high school, undergraduate, or graduate studies, these programs offer valuable insights and experiences.

Top Summer Schools in the USA for Indian Students

In addition to individual programs, several universities stand out for their exceptional summer offerings. Some of the top summer schools in the USA for Indian students include:

  1. Stanford University.
  2. Harvard University—Harvard Summer School.
  3. Columbia University – Columbia Summer School.
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  5. Brown University.
  6. UCLA, California – UCLA Summer Sessions.
  7. The New York Film Academy.
  8. Florida Institute of Technology.
  9. Point Loma Nazarene University.
  10. Henry Harvin Summer School Academy.

These institutions offer a wide range of courses and programs, providing students with opportunities for academic and personal growth. Whether interested in arts, sciences, business, or humanities, these summer schools cater to diverse interests and career aspirations.

1. Harvard Summer School

For example, offers courses in arts, writing, humanities, business, economics, computer science, mathematics, engineering, foreign languages, literature, and sciences. Offering flexible study options, students can choose between online and on-campus classes, learning directly from Harvard faculty and industry experts.

2. Columbia Summer School

This summer school offers certificates of professional achievement in various subject areas, such as anthropology, American studies, biological studies, astronomy, and architecture. These programs provide advanced studies for participants, fostering career advancement and personal growth.

3. Stanford University

Stanford University stands out for its vibrant platform, offering challenging academics and rich extracurricular programming. With courses in biology, biotech, chemistry, economics, communication, computer science, and philosophy, students can engage in diverse educational experiences. Through webinars, panels, and drop-ins from Stanford alumni, students gain valuable insights and build a global network of learners.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT is renowned for its research and educational excellence, offering summer programs tailored to the interests and needs of students. With over 50 courses and two professional programs, MIT covers diverse topics such as biotechnology, manufacturing, data analysis, and engineering leadership. These intensive courses leverage MIT’s research, resources, and faculty expertise, providing students with a competitive edge in their fields.


UCLA summer sessions offer a broad range of opportunities, including internships, research initiatives, and experiential learning programs. With over 100 courses available, students can advance their academic careers while socializing with peers from diverse backgrounds. Whether interested in communication skills, ESL courses or study abroad programs, UCLA provides a vibrant and inclusive learning environment.

To wrap up

In conclusion, summer programs in the USA offer valuable opportunities for Indian students to enhance their skills, explore new interests, and experience college life. With a wide range of courses, flexible scheduling, and prestigious institutions, these programs provide a rewarding educational experience.

Among other top institutions, Brentwood High School offers unique and enriching summer programs catering to diverse interests and career aspirations. Whether you are aiming to boost your resume, immerse yourself in campus life, or explore new academic fields, Brentwood High School and other top summer schools in the USA have something for everyone.


1. Which is the best place to study in the USA for Indian students?

Stanford, Harvard, and MIT are top choices for Indian students due to their academic excellence and diverse programs.

2. Can an Indian student study in the USA in school?

Yes, Indian students can attend school in the USA, typically through international student programs at private and public schools.

3. What are summer schools in the US?

Summer schools in the US offer short-term courses and programs during the summer, enhancing academic and personal growth.

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